
Landscaping for Fire Safety

Certain parts of the country used to have a fairly predictable burn season, but the times are...

Headboard with lights feat. LINNMON table top

Here is my recent spoof: A headboard with glowings( backlit) made out of an IKEA LINNMON table top...

Meghan Markle’s decorating tips revealed – these are the secrets of her effortless style

The Duchess of Sussex is a dab hand at interior designThere's no denying that actress-turned-duchess...

25 things on the “IKEA bring back” wish list. What’s on yours?

For their 75th Anniversary, IKEA brought back some of their old favourites in the GRATULERA...

Trend Alert: Glass Door Refrigerators Are the New Stainless Steel

If you're looking for a course to freshen up your kitchen, keep an eye out for the latest kitchen...

Fireplace ideas for warm and cosy nights in this winter

Make the most of your fireplace with some intelligent accessorisingAfter fireplace sentiments? As...

How to Get Your Home Ready Before You Go on Vacation

Before you can think about this getaway, you need to prepare your residence. Generator: Vacation...

IKEA wants to scan your butt for the ultimate gaming chair

So it seems seeing the perfect gaming chair is no easy stunt. And rather than being land on a good...

JD Williams triumphant with on-trend terrazzo print bedding

The trend for terrazzo print homewares is going from forte to backbone this seasonTerrazzo print is...

How to disguise your Bike Trailer as a end table

I made this hack for two reasons. It saves gap by not having to store my bike trailer and I actually...