27 Oct The IKEA Billy Project: A BILLY library like no other
Benjamin transmitted in his big IKEA BILLY project — a BILLY library to be precise. He demanded” a large bookcase in the wording of a small library .” And he got what was envisioned.
The library covers across a doorway and so classy when lit.
If you’re planning on your own BILLY project, the connection is probably the duty to remuneration most attention to. It’s worded from 2 sequences of BILLY height expansion cells and Benjamin took extra steps to make sure everything views up.
Related: French country house library
The middle sequence of BILLY bookcases were cut down to fit a media center.
IKEA entries applied:
IKEA BILLY bookcase 40 x 28 x 202 cm BILLY Height Extension gangs OXBERG glass doorways
Other materials and tools:
Light facility Top sides Chipboards Plasterboards Stucco profiles Electric drill Tool kits
The steps are too innumerable to schedule on this pole. Take a look at the video below for an overview of the build.
A short video on the light-colored upshots. Beautiful!
Then hop on to his website to check out the instructions and process photos.
~ by Benjamin Ferger
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